10 Frost Tolerant Vegetables To Grow In Fall

Swiss Chard:

Swiss chard is a colorful and nutrient-rich green that can withstand light frosts. Both the leaves and stems are edible and can be harvested throughout the fall.


Broccoli is a cold-season vegetable that can thrive in fall temperatures. Plant it early enough to ensure a good harvest before the colder winter weather sets in.


Like broccoli, cauliflower is frost-tolerant and can be grown successfully in the fall. Choose varieties with shorter maturity dates for better results.


Cabbage is hardy and can handle cold temperatures, making it a suitable choice for fall gardening. It’s a versatile vegetable used in various dishes and can store well for later use.


Carrots are cold-resistant root vegetables that actually become sweeter after exposure to frost. They can be left in the ground for a more extended harvest, as long as the soil doesn’t freeze.


Beets can withstand light frost and are a great addition to fall gardens. Both the roots and the leafy greens are edible and nutritious.


Radishes are quick-growing root vegetables that can tolerate cooler temperatures. They are an ideal choice for late-season planting, as they mature rapidly.

When planting frost-tolerant vegetables in the fall, consider using row covers or cold frames to provide additional protection during colder nights. Additionally, be mindful of the average first frost date in your region and plan your planting accordingly to maximize your harvest.

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