10 ways to reuse old milk jugs. Change the way you garden forever

10 ways to reuse old milk jugs. Change the way you garden forever.


DIY Everywhere


Don’t let those empty milk jugs go to waste! Instead of tossing them out, consider repurposing them for your gardening needs. Despite their unassuming appearance, milk jugs can serve as versatile tools and accessories for your garden. Thanks to their durable and thick plastic material, they can be transformed into shovels, pots, and more. Get creative and give them a fresh look by adding a coat of paint or other decorative touches. With just a little effort, you can turn these humble jugs into functional and stylish additions to your gardening arsenal. So, next time you empty a gallon of milk, think twice before throwing away those jugs – they have so much potential in the world of gardening!

We’ve scoured the web for the best milk jug DIY’s out there, so don’t look any further. Check out our list below to jump-start your next project.
1. Watering jug
Instead of tossing out that milk jug, next time use it as a watering jug. All you need to do is poke some holes in the top, fill it with water and you’re ready to go.
DIY Everywhere
2. Milk jug feeder
Repurpose that old milk jug by turning it into a bird feeder. This is a super easy project and one you can get the kids involved in too. We love how they painted the openings here with different colors.
Here’s another variation:
3. Milk jug planters
We love how they hung these planters right from a lattice because it spruces up this otherwise thrifty look. Once you complete this DIY, fill these jugs up with your favorite household herbs or pretty flowers. It’s sure to brighten up your yard either way.

Cooktop Cove
4. Upcycled flower pots
This is another fun project to get the kids involved in. You can paper mache the outside, cover it with stickers or get creative with paint. By the time you’re done with this project, no one will even know it used to be a milk jug.

DIY Everywhere
5. Shovel jugs
Cut up and repurpose that old milk jug by turning it into a garden shovel or a sweep pan for the home. The plastic of the jug is nice and sturdy, so this DIY is bound to last a while.

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6. Scoop jugs
Once you cut off the side to make a small garden shovel, use the top as a nice big scoop for birdseed, mulch, sand or anything else you have bagged and hanging around.

7. Plant labels
If you’ve already used the jug for another project, take the leftovers and use them for plant labels. Cut the leftovers into strips, then grab a permanent marker and you’re ready to label all your gardens plants. Super simple!

Cooktop Cove
8. Hanging tomato planter
You’ve probably seen these hanging tomato plants before, but why pay for one when you can make it yourself? Even better, make it out of something you were going to throw away! This DIY is quick and easy, and you’re going to love the results.

DIY Everywhere
9. Potting hack
This hack is one of the smartest we’ve seen yet. Next time you have one of those big pots to fill, stuff the bottom with milk jugs. This way, that big planter isn’t filled with tons of (expensive) and heavy soil — only enough for the plant.

Cooktop Cove
10. Mini greenhouse
When you first plant a seedling, sometimes they need a little help along the way. Next time this happens, cut off the bottom of a milk jug and use it to make a little greenhouse over your plant. This will help keep it nice and warm so that it grows into a healthy plant.
Cooktop Cove

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