How to propagate roses from cuttings

Propagating roses from cuttings is an economical and rewarding way to grow new rose plants with the same characteristics as the parent plant. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to propagate roses from cuttings:

1. Timing:
The best time to take rose cuttings is during late spring or early summer when the rose plant is actively growing, and the stems are mature but not too woody. This period ensures that the cuttings have enough energy to develop roots.

2. Choosing the Cuttings:
Select healthy, disease-free stems from the rose bush for taking cuttings. Look for stems that are about pencil-thickness (about 6-8 inches long), and have at least 3-4 sets of leaflets. Avoid using stems that have recently bloomed flowers.

3. Preparing the Cuttings:
Using clean, sharp pruning shears, make a diagonal cut just below a leaf node (the point where a leaf joins the stem). A leaf node is where the roots are most likely to form. Remove any flowers or buds, as they divert energy away from root development.

4. Hormone Rooting Powder (Optional):
While not essential, using a rooting hormone can increase the success rate of rooting. Dip the cut end of the stem into a rooting hormone powder, tapping off any excess.



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