If mosquitoes go straight for you, here’s what you should know

1. You’re pregnant
enceinte près de la porte
If you’re pregnant, mosquitos are more likely to make a beeline towards you because your body is producing a larger combination of unique odors that mosquitos like (carbon dioxide, lactic acid, and uric acid) according to WebMD.
2. You’re sweaty and moving
If you’re running around at the family picnic, you’re more likely to attract the attention of mosquitos who are drawn to movement and the lactic acid and sweat your body is producing.
3. It’s in your blood (literally)
Mosquitos have their favorite food joints and they happen to be people with Type O blood type. Count yourself lucky if you have Type A blood as mosquitos aren’t as attracted to your blood type, according to the Smithsonian.

fotografia di insetto alato marrone

4. You’re wearing perfume/cologne
Mosquitoes are attracted to strong smells like the sweetness of a perfume of cologne.Wash it off before you head outdoors to keep the bugs at bay!
Flacone spray per eau de parfum N5 Chanel
5. You’re overweight
Carbon Dioxide is like candy to mosquitoes. They flock to larger pockets of the gas. If you’re overweight, you’re producing more Carbon Dioxide. (Adults are also more likely to be targeted than kids because they are naturally bigger.)
Un homme tenant son ventre avec ses mains

Tired of mosquitoes? here’s a  DIY Mosquito Traps With Yeast, Dry Ice, or Buckets

If you want to keep mosquitos at bay, try one of these ideas:

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