It may be hard to understand, but these taste better than it looks.

It may be hard to understand, but these taste better than it looks.

Peut être une image de jaune d’œuf

As we all transition to a healthier lifestyle in our day to day lives, it’s crucial to incorporate small changes that add up to make a huge difference. One such change that I have made in my diet is swapping out unhealthy snacks for more wholesome alternatives. Mustard pickled eggs have been an absolute game-changer for me. It’s a great way to snack on something that’s fulfilling and has a lot of flavor without having to compromise on health.
I first came across this recipe when I was at a friend’s house, and they offered me a jar of these eggs. I was initially skeptical, as I had never heard of this before, and I cannot handle spicy food too well. However, I gave it a shot, and it was love at first bite. The eggs were perfectly pickled, and the hint of mustard gave the dish a great zing without being too overpowering. I ended up finishing the entire jar on my own, and I knew I had to learn to make it.
Mustard Pickled Eggs


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